Our Work

Aims and objectives

The objectives of the Trust for which the Trust is established are:

  1. To be a not-for-profit organization established and operated for literacy, educational and
    charitable purposes.
  2. To promote and conduct all kinds of literacy projects such as Prose literacy, Document
    literacy, Quantitative literacy, Health literacy, and any other kind of literacy project in
    India, for the benefit of the public in general.
  3. To work in the areas of research like Archaeological explorations, excavations,
    documentations, conservations, preservation and publication of the research work, etc.
  4. To grant relief and assistance to the needy victims during natural calamities such as
    famine, earthquake, flood, fire, pestilence, etc., and to give donations and other
    assistance to institution, establishments, or persons engaged in such relief work.
  5. To establish, maintain or grant aid to homes for the aged, orphanages or other
    establishments for the relief and help to poor, needy and destitute people, orphans,
    widows and aged persons.
  6. To work for the welfare of differently able person and to help them by providing
    equipments like tricycle, cycle, sticks, hearing machines, voice recorder etc. and to
    organize special medical camp for their welfare.
  7. To undertake various infrastructural development projects in order to facilitate education
    and literacy among the people.
  8. To set up schools of languages, physical training institutes, sports training institute,
    centers for sports, arts, education and health in various parts of the state of Uttar
    Pradesh and rest of India.
  9. To arrange/ establish and maintain centre of adult education, vocational education.
    Technical training, low cost education, formal and non formal education.
  10. To work in the field of environment and to spread awareness regarding environment and
    to organize tree plantations and other programmers for its promotions.
  11. To study, research and undertake projects relating to sports and education for the
    welfare of the people.
  12. To undertake and promote the publication & translation of journal, research papers and
    books and to develop the audiovisual programs to disseminate knowledge pertaining to
    the objective of the trust.
  13. To publish books, magazines, charts, issue related IEC( Information, Education, and
    Communication) materials and other periodical illustration for generating the income for
    the trust for the benefit of its aims.
  14. To teach and practice different activities of life and etiquette and manners including
    discipline, punctuality, hygiene, commitment, character building and other activities.
  15. To establish and support and hostels, schools and orphanages or house for widows,
    hospitals, mobile hospitals, maternity homes, medical centers and organize medical
    camps for the destitute.
  16. To step counseling center for the depressed and destitute.
  17. To grant aid or render assistance to other public charitable trusts or institutions.
  18. To construct and build linguistic research institute, research institute, libraries for the
    rural and tribal people.
  19. To step English language learning schools, computer education centers, music institute.
  20. To arrange and organize lectures, debates, discussions, seminar and excursions for the
    diffusion of knowledge.
  21. To establish, build, construct ad training centers in various felids and other necessary
    training and / or research institutes for the purpose and benefits of the rural students.
  22. To help and organize self-health group base programs for augmentation of the livelihood
    opportunities of the people at the grass root level as begin beneficial to the table or to
    the benefits of the rural people.
  23. To build, run and administer various schools, collage and technical institutions for the
    benefits of the people and to build institutions for the benefit of the people in the rural
    and urban areas.
  24. To establish and maintain and run the studentship, scholarships and render another kind of
    students including supply of books, dresses , school bags, stipends, medals, and other
    incentives to study without distinction as to caste, color , race , creed, or sex.
  25. To acquire, purchase and lease or otherwise and hold lands buildings and property of
    every description furthering the objects.
  26. To organize seminar, workshop of various rural and urban activities and to promote
    various urban and rural social development through social, religious and cultural
  27. To open account in the name of the Trust, Trustees and /or institutions run/ conducted
    by the trust with a Bank or Banks, to operate such account and to give instructions to the
    Bank and to provide for opening and operation of such account by one or more of the
    Trustees or by an agent appointed by the Trustees.
  28. To borrow, raise and get aid and money from bank and other financial institutions as
    may be necessary for providing, maintaining and improving lives of millions of rural and
    urban poor.
  29. To work with various institutions- government, non government to promote the vision
    and mission and other activities.
  30. To promote, establish, support, maintain or grant aid to institutions for the promotion of
    science, literature, music, drama and fine arts in India, for the benefit of the public in
  31. To issue appeals raise funds and accept gifts, donation subscriptions in cash or in kind
    and any property either movable or immovable for the achievement of the objective of
    the trust.
  32. To make such monetary and other donations and contributions as the Trustees deem fit
    to any organization and / or programmed engaged in any of the activities mentioned
  33. To establish and operate centers for promotion of art and culture.
  34. To arrange various cultural competition under the trust banner with help of various
    training institutes, NGO’S, Civil Bodies , Auto – Visual , Print Media House in this state
    and all over the geographical boundaries of India and outside it.
  35. To receive grant from Government and take the benefit of Income tax Act.
  36. The trust may also, in any manner, undertake to carry on all kinds of advancement of
    any other object of general public utility and for one or more such public charitable
    purposes to the exclusion of other’s as the Directors may think fit.
  37. And to do all other acts, deeds and things as are incidentally required to fulfill above